Album review: The 150 Friends Club – ‘Monogamy’




Up for for review today is an album created by The 150 friends Club entitled ‘Monogamy’.  The record was released on inedpendent label, Batov Records, who are promoting the importance of small intimate shows and how valuable they are for up and coming bands.

The album is an ideal example of  what lo-fi, edgy recording can do to create a raw sound that will entice people in to come to these intimate shows.

‘Momogamy’ is a heavily acoustic based album with some really hard hitting songs backed by powerful lyrics. ‘Sluts R Us’ is the perfect example here as the band doesn’t  hesitate to get the point across with the peircing truth.

The album is packed with views on different subjects with ‘Variation on Variations on Atheists’ and ‘Human aka Mans lot’ all providing different takes on these topics and often questioning the general consensus.

It’s extremely hard to pin the record down to a genre as it flows through several, those being acoustic, experimental and sometimes slightly atmospheric. Although this may alienate people due to how broad the music is, the band can be pleased as they have created several good pop songs within the album that anybody would be happy to lay claim to.

The peak of the album is when ‘Domestic Dispute in Song Format’ hits because it almost takes another form of music whee it’s almost like a scene from a play. The lyrics and instrumentals combine perfectly to recreate what an everyday argument would be in song form. It takes you through the motions cleverly by using the music as a mood setter, which creates images in your head with ease.

Overall the album is a journey through several thoughts,feelings and emotions which help create such a unique album. Hopefully the casual music fan will discover uniqueness of the record and unearth it’s genius because it truely deserves respect and praise.

Words by Alex Wise @al4563




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A music lover of most (not all) genres, constantly trying to find new and inventive music.

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